Rogue X Event Center
901 Rossanely Dr. Medford, OR
Sat: 9:00am to 8:00pm
Sun: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Admission: $15.00 Adults, $13.00 Kids/Military/Seniors
This year we have world renowned International Custom Car Builder Oz Welch and Custom Mike will be back doing his live stream to all over the world from right here in Medford Oregon. Stop by, meet, and say Hi to them.
The 48nd Annual, Medford Rod & Custom Show will be another fantastic, 2 day show featuring over 300 vehicles!
You won't want to miss this fun-filled event centered around amazing custom builds, beautiful classic and vintage restorations, low riders, rat rods, and a variety of classic and custom motorcycles.
Info: 541-951-7846