Downtown Troutdale OR
Registration: $20.00
Kiwanis Club of the Columbia Gorge brings you the 20th Annual Troutdale Cruise-In Saturday August 3rd from 2pm to 5:30pm with a concert following from 6pm to 8pm in Downtown Troutdale. Entrants are welcome to remain through the concert time.
Come peruse the shops and enjoy the various dining and beverage opportunities & enjoy the many classic and custom cars and trucks plus motorcycles. Bring your lawn chair, pick up some food or beverage and stick around afterwards for a concert by Fiddleschtix. This is always an exceptionally fun time for all.
All show cars will enter off Buxton. There will be limited staging area for cars that arrive prior to noon. Streets will be closed at 12:00pm, at which time vehicles can start entering the show area. Parking will be guided by parking attendants.
Registration will be in Mayors Square at the corner of Dora and Columbia River Highway after you park your car.
Registration is $20 per vehicle with admission for spectators being free.
Raffles, live music at 1pm and 3pm and other family activities throughout the day.
Our car show benefits youth activities in the Troutdale/Corbett area plus Key Clubs in Corbett, Reynolds, Gresham & Centennial High Schools.
Spectators are encouraged to bring 2 Food or Paper products for My Father’s House Shelter and receive a free raffle ticket.
Awards This Year will be:
Peoples Choice (This vehicle will be used on next years poster)
Best Motorcycle
Best Chevrolet Best Custom
Best Custom Paint Best Daily Driver
Best Ford Best Import
Best Interior Best Mopar (Plymouth, Chrysler, Dodge)
Best Muscle Car Best Original 50’s thru 70’s
Best Original Paint Best Rat Car
Best Truck Best Topless
Best Work in Progress Most Authentic Pre-1950
Info: 503-704-7653